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一致用英文怎么说 一致英文例句

2023-07-03 15:18:11来源:七考网



We all condemn cruelty to children.
我们一致谴责虐童的行为.Be in agreement; be at one
与..一致;同意They unanimously turned their thumbs up.
他们一致表示赞成。Proceed in concert with
和...采取一致步骤The resolution was carried no con.
决议案获一致通过。by acclamation
一致口头通过或赞成地A flawless chime of romance and reality.
浪漫与现实之间完美的一致。The tides come and go consistently with the lunar cycle.
潮汐的来去与月周期一致。With one accord they shouted their approval.
他们一致发出赞同的呼声What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting?

adj. 全体同意的,意见一致的

He was unanimously elected as President.
人们一致选举他当总统。with one voice ;unanimously
异口同声地;一致地 The panel brought in a unanimous decision.
全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。There is a unanimous vote against the proposal.
投全票或一致投票反对一建议。A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.

adj. 完全同样的,相同的

Your appearance is identical to hers.
你的相貌和她的一模一样。They"re wearing identical clothes.
他们穿着完全相同的衣服。The police have no clue to his identity.
警察没有可以确定他的身份的任何线索。We reach an identity of views.
我们取得完全一致的看法。These two designs are almost identical.


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