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位置:七考网 > 外语类 > 提升英语 > 牛津校园情景对话:牛津大学图书馆  正文


2023-11-03 13:53:15来源:互联网





  B: Wendy, look over there! It’s the Bodleian Library, one of the oldest public libraries all around the world!


  W: Wow! Is it the library that is the second largest in the UK?


  B: Yeah! A large portion of its collections are stored in several other libraries in Oxford, even in some off-site storage areas.


  W; Why? Does the Bodleian Library have a lot of books?


  B; Exactly! There are nearly 8 million collections, as well as 5 thousand new arrivals per week. How can it settle such a lot of volumes?

  B:当然!它有近800万册的馆藏,再加上每固5000册的新书。这么多书籍, 它如何安排得下呢?

  W: Well, no wonder it is considered as the second largest library in Britain. Can its books be borrowed?


  B: No. The Bodleian Library operates principally as a reference library and in general documents may not be removed from the reading rooms.


  W: Really? Even can’t the Queen?


  B: No, nobody! Most of its collections are ancient books and precious editions. Furthermore, Oxford has drawn up a rule long time ago: Before being granted access to the library, new readers are required to agree to a formal declaration.

  B:任何人都不可以!它的藏书很多都是古籍 珍本,此外,牛津大学在很久以前就立下规 矩:在成为该馆读者前必须宣誓。

  W: It’s amazing! What is the declaration?


  B; The English text of the declaration is as follows: I hereby undertake not to remove from the Library, nor to mark,deface, or injure in any way, any volume, document or other object belonging to it or in its custody; not to bring into the Library, or kindle therein, any fire or flame, and not to smoke in the Library; and I promise to obey all rules of the Library. This is a translation of the Latin oath.

  B:英文版的誓词是这样的:不得偷拿、玷污、损毁书籍,不带火种进馆,不在馆内吸烟,我发誓严守馆内吝项规定。这是 拉丁誓言的译文。

  W: Well,do people declare in English or Latin?


  B: In former times, people had to declare in Latin. This declaration was traditionally oral, but is now usually made by signing a letter. However, those who wish to take the collections are still asked to recite the declaration.

  B:以前,誓言是要用拉丁语讲的。按照传统,誓言是要□头说的,但是现在通 常只是在一张文书上签字。但是,那些企图窃取藏书的读者还是要□头宣誓的。

  W: I see. Can I take a picture of its inside?


  B: Of course, you can’t. This regulation was added later. There is another added rule I want to say: readers are not allowed to take books put on the highest level of the shelves by ladder.

  B:当然不可以了。这是后来新增加的规定。我想说的另一个新加的规定是:读 者不允许用梯子拿取放在书架最上层的书籍。

  W: Why did they made this regulation?


  B: It is said that the library is planning to keep the ancient books in a fixed position and never move them.


  W: What a pity! I’ve read a report that the Bodleian Library has been used as the location of the Divinity School of Harry Potter, the series film of J. K. Rowling, right?

  W:真可惜!我曾经看过一个报道说牛津大学图书馆被用来拍摄J.K.罗琳的系列 电影《哈利?波特》中的魔法学校,是真的吗?

  B: Yeah! You can see the library in the first two Harry Potter films:/farry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

  B:对!你能在《哈利?波特》的前两部电影:《哈利?波特与魔法石》和《哈利?波 特与密室》中看到牛津大学图书馆。

  W: What a grandiose library! You are a lucky dog.


  B: What makes you think so?


  W: Well... You may go to the Bodleian Library everyday as long as you wish.


  B: That’s correct. Let’s go to visit the inside of it.


  W: Great!






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