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my winter holiday英语作文

2023-03-20 16:09:40来源:互联网


  寒假已经过去了,想要追忆的话,就写一篇my winter holiday英语作文吧。下面是七考网小编给大家整理的my winter holiday英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!

  my winter holiday英语作文篇1

  My winter holiday(我的寒假)

  In winter holiday,usually I stayed at home and did my school work.Sometimes I help my mother do some housework or watching TV.(寒假里,我通常呆在家里做作业,有时候我会帮助妈妈干点家务或者看看电视)One day,I went to see my friend and we play the computer games together.My friend"s mom isvery kindly and gave me many sweets and chocolates.Later we palyed the cards and laughted all the time .(一天,我去看我朋友,我们一起玩电脑游戏.朋友的妈妈是个很热情的人,给我拿来了很多糖果和巧克力.后来我们一起玩牌,玩的很开心.)In the new year,I wish everybody have a good health and our school more and more beautiful.Best wishes to all of my friends!在新的一年里,我祝愿大家身体健康,希望我们的学校越来越漂亮.祝福我所有的朋友们!

  my winter holiday英语作文篇2

  We are going to have the winter holiday.During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival.So all of the families in China are having a busy time.All of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many money.But children in China have to do the homework for Winter Holiday.So that the could remember what they have learn the year before.Each of the children likes Winter Holiday.   I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didn’t. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.   I spend a lot of time on the homework.. Every day in my Winter Holiday, I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape, it was nine o’clock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime! I’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!

  my winter holiday英语作文篇3

  It’s January. My winter holiday is coming. I am going to go to Thailand. I will go there by plane. I like the food in Thailand. In the winter holiday, I am going to play basketball. I am going to paint pictures, too. I will help my mother do some housework. I will be very happy in my winter holiday.




  my winter holiday英语作文篇4

  My winter holiday was very interesting.As that day i got back to my native hometown,cousins and cousines took me to ski.My skiing skill isn"t good,got down for 15 times,they laughed at me behind,i can"t help smiling, too.The day of Spring Festival was the most happiness day,we had meal for the first,a table of delicious food,that made me so glad.Then we played the fireworks.The childrens waving the lightening ticket while watching the adults playing the fireworks.That was so beautiful!Like the stars rainning down the world.At the end,it was time to get the red bag.we were very exciting,and satisfied.Sometimes,we also went shopping and bought something we like. Winter holiday life was really wonderful!

  我的寒假生活非常有趣.刚回老家那天,哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹就拉着我去溜冰场溜冰.我技术不好,摔了15个跟头,他们都在那边笑我,我也情不自禁的笑了.大年三十那天最开心.先是吃团圆饭,一桌子的美食,让我大饱口服.然后就是放烟花.我们几个小孩一边拿着荧光棒甩,一边看大人们放烟花.好美啊!像降落在人间的星星.最后就是拿红包拉,我们都很兴奋,也很满足.有时,我们还会去逛街,买一些自己喜欢的东西. 寒假生活真美好!

  my winter holiday英语作文篇5

  How time flies. This term ends quickly and the winter holiday is coming. I make a general plan for it. Firstly, my teachers leave us some homework, so I must earnestly finish them on time. I plan to finish them before the Spring Festival, and then I can enjoy the festival with all my heart. Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends. Generally, we study together but have little time to play. During the holiday, we want to have fun together. Finally, I will visit my grandparents with my parents, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with them. I haven’t seen them for a long time. I miss them very much. This is my winter holiday plan. What is yours?



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