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2023-03-04 20:41:16来源:互联网


  摘要:samantha mumba 史蔓德.曼巴是一位带着非洲血统,来自爱尔兰首都”都柏林“的歌手。samantha mumba16岁开始在夜总会扮作美国歌手唱歌。后来瓦尔什(louis walsh)慧眼识英才,把她收到了旗下。

  Always come back to your love

  歌手:Samantha Mumba

  Written by Mikkel S.E/Hallgeir Ruston

  Yeah, check it out

  What, what, what, what

  Uh, you like that? Uh

  Come on yeah

  Uh, no doubt

  Break it

  I've been up and down (uh, what)

  Been going round and round (uh)

  I've been all over town (wha-what,uh)

  But I'll never ever find somebody new for sure

  (Yes, yes you are, left to right, yes

  Yes you are and rock you all night)

  Show me where I belong tonight (all night)

  Give me a reason to stay

  No matter if I go left or right (left to right)

  I always come back to your love

  I've been high and low (uh)

  I don't know where to go (no, baby)

  Because I love you so (you like that)

  And I'll never ever find someone like you for sure

  (Yes, yes you are, left to right, yes

  Yes you are and rock you all night)

  Show me where I belong tonight (all night)

  Give me a reason to stay (I need a reason, yeah)

  No matter if I go left or right (left to right)

  I alwa


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