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油菜用英语怎么说 油菜的英语例句

2023-02-23 16:33:21来源:互联网

在生活中,很多人都不知道油菜用英语怎么说 油菜的英语例句是什么意思,其实他的意思是非常简单的,下面就是小编搜索到的油菜用英语怎么说 油菜的英语例句相关的一些知识,我们一起来学习下吧!








  油菜花 rape flower ; Brassica campestris ; Rape ; cauliflower

  春油菜 spring rape

  冬油菜 winter rape

  小油菜 Edible rape

  油菜种子 Rape Seeds ; Rapeseed

  油菜花粉 rape pollen

  油菜野生种 Brassica oxyrrhina

  油菜子 coleseed ; rapeseed ; Canola ; rapeseed combined


  1. The rape has bolted.


  2. Wheat, rape and other crops are grown in the fields.

  地里种着小麦 、 油菜及其他作物.

  3. Our preference is for a cereal rather than rape , except perhaps on upland reseeds.

  除了在高地重播, 我们情愿选谷物而不种油菜.

  4. Economic crops include flax, canola, yellow, apricot, apple and so on.

  经济作物有胡麻 、 油菜 、 黄花 、 杏 、 苹果等.

  5. Two strains of turnip mosaic virus were identified on rape in Kiangsu.


  6. Covariance analysis was used to analyze herbicide efficacy data from rapeseed experiments.


  7. There are vegetables under the arched shed , mainly persimmon and Chinese cabbage.

  拱棚下面罩着的是蔬菜, 主要有柿子和油菜.

  8. During dormancy of seeds, abscisic acid plays an important part.

  在种子休眠方面, 内源脱落酸的含量与油菜种子的休眠有关.

  9. High erucic acid rapeseed is used widely for special purpose in industry.


  10. Make and use of sapogenin much increase economic valuation of Camellia oleifera.


  11. A piece of falling leaves, as in rape butterflies flying Cong.

  枫叶一片片的飘落, 像在油菜花丛飞翔的彩蝶.

  12. The most serious and immediate cases of contamination in canola ( rapeseed ) crops.

  最近的污染最严重的案件,在油菜 ( 油菜 ) 作物.

  13. The bolts of rape are first quickly boiled , then dried and baked.

  绍兴万年青是将油菜的菜蕻经烫漂 、 去水和烘焙制得.

  14. Efficacies of 8 herbicides in winter oilseed rape field were compared.


  15. They often graze the wheat, beans and oilseed rape.

  它们还经常啃吃麦子 、 豆子和油菜.


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