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solo是什么意思 solo的英语例句

发布时间:2022-09-18 20:33:46来源:互联网










  英 ["səʊləʊ]     美 ["soʊloʊ]


  The first piece is a piano solo by Berio.


  The concert began with piano solo.


  He has been asked to sing a solo at the concert.


  The student essayed his first solo flight.



  His landing was awkward,but it was only the second time he"d flown solo.


  The piece segues into his solo with the strings 曲终后紧接着就是他的弦乐独奏。

  He has acquired a reputation as this country"s premier solo violinist 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。

  She went solo backpacking for eight months in the Australian outback 她独自在澳大利亚内陆地区进行了个月的徒步旅行。

  He plays a solo acoustic set 他伴着原声乐器独唱了一组歌曲。

  his first solo flight 他的首次单飞

  There"s wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏

  Tara is currently working on a solo album 塔拉眼下正忙着制作个人专辑

  Tony Holmes wiped the smile off the faces of his rivals with a solo 30-second win 托尼·福尔摩斯以30秒的领先优势获得了这一赛段的个人胜利,使对手再也笑不起来。

  Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second soloalbum 保罗·韦勒已经宣布到英国巡演,以推广他的第二张专辑。

  Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus 每个成员都参与到说唱中来,或者独唱,或者表演说唱乐中的和声部分。

  A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1 pm 上午10点,一位风笛独奏家揭开了阿伯丁高地运动会的序幕,下午1点主要比赛项目开始。

  Charles Lindbergh became the very first person to fly solo across the Atlantic 查尔斯·林德伯格成为独自飞越大西洋的第一人。

  Sommers performed a flute solo a few weeks ago that got so-so reviews 萨默斯几周前表演了一场长笛独奏,反映平平。

  His landing was awkward, but it was only the second time he"d flown solo 他的着陆技术很不熟练, 但这只是他第二次单飞

  The first song is 11 minutes long, the last nearly the same, and, God help us, there"s a drum solo along the way 第一首歌有11分钟长,后一首也差不多长,唉,上帝啊,中间还有一个击鼓独奏。

  As individual members" solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts 成员单飞后的发展证明,每个乐队的成员只有组合在一起才能创造出更大的成功。

  In 1978, Naomi James became the first woman to sail solo around the world via Cape Horn 1978年,娜奥米·詹姆斯成为第一个独自驾船绕过合恩角环游世界的女子。

  It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework 它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。

  The original version featured a guitar solo 吉他独奏是原版的特色。

  He had just completed his final solo album 他刚刚录完了他的后一张独唱唱片。

相关内容: solo 是什么 意思 知道 solo 是什么 意思 下面 一起 来看 看吧


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