发布时间:2022-07-01 16:02:41来源:互联网
Woman: OK. Now, if you think about the Chief Executive"s problems for a moment...what doyou think he needs to tackle first?
Man: There are so many problems! Something needs to be done about the workforce, becausesome departments employ staff without the necessary training. In the long term, of course,they need to develop the photocopiers themselves. But the priority must be to reverse the fallin revenue, even if it means cutting prices, in order to increase the sales volume. Unless they dothat, they"ll go out of business very soon.
Woman: And what about their advertising?
Man: Well, they"re using modern media, like the Internet, and targeting their advertising morethan they used to, for instance, by moving from magazine ads to direct mailshots tocompanies. But these have an old-fashioned feel to them; the layout and graphics don"t seemto have changed for twenty years.
Woman: Right. Now, let"s go on to...
Man: They seem to miss a lot of opportunities. When they visit a customer to install or repair aphotocopier, it"s their chance to look at all the equipment there and suggest how Trident couldsupply the company"s needs better. Then there"s their problem with spares, the Parts ServicesDepartment keeps stocks low, for financial reasons, but that means the engineers often can"tget the parts they need for call-outs, and the customer has to wait.
Woman: Now, what about communications within the company? I"m sure you"ll agree they"renot as good as they could be. Why do you think that is?
Man: Well, I was a bit surprised, because, in fact, middle managers hold regular meetings withtheir departments. But that"s because they"re given information by the top management aboutpolicy issues and plans, for instance, which they have to pass on. But I have to say that someof them don"t seem to think their staff can have anything to say that"s worth hearing. And, ofcourse, this creates ill feeling.
Man: Well, weak line managers are often a reason, but I can"t find any evidence for that here.And even the recent changes, like the cut in bonuses, have been accepted fairly calmly. I think itreflects people"s uncertainty about their long-term prospects with the company.
Woman: What would you say about the sales staff? There"s a lot about them in the casestudy.
Man: They"re doing the best they can in the circumstances. There"s a system for helping themto develop their selling skills, and that"s working. The way customers are allocated to eachsalesperson could be improved maybe, to reduce unnecessary travel. But they"re gettingcontradictory signals about what they"re supposed to be doing: just responding to enquiries,or going out looking for new business.
Woman: Uh-huh. And what about service engineers: what"s the main weakness in thatdepartment?
Woman: Ah, Gareth, do sit down.
Man: Thank you.
Woman: Now, presumably you"ve considered this case study about Trident Appliances?
Man: Yes.
Woman: Good. Well, let"s start with the present situation. Trident manufactures photocopiers,which they sell in bulk to retailers and large organisations. Now, why do you think they"rehaving trouble selling them?
Man: It"s strange, because there"s a big demand for photocopiers, and Trident"s arecompetitively priced. But the specifications just don"t compare with what"s expected these days.It"s a shame, because they"ve got plenty of technical expertise in their engineering supportteam.
Woman: OK. Now, the company is owned by a large multinational. How do they see Trident?
Man: Well, the group is largely in the mining sector, and Trident doesn"t fit in with that, soyou"d expect the parent company to want to sell it. Or alternatively to be active, say by helpingit to expand its markets. But really it seems quite content to take a hands-off approach, aslong as Trident is generating some income.
Woman: Hmm... There"s clearly poor morale among the employees. Why do you think that is?
Right, let"s see where we"ve gotten to. We"ve agreed to recognise when staff have worked hardand achieved their goals. Sales need to have done reasonably well in their area—ideally betterthan the forecasts while keeping within budget. And, if we feel a person is worth substantialinvestment, we can go with a five-per-cent pay rise, as well as offering a bonus in exceptionalcircumstances.
The figures show quite clearly that we didn"t reach the target we set last year. If anything, Ithink we ought to cut back on spending, at least for the next few months. If sales pick up inthe new year and we manage to add new clients to our base, maybe we can think about buyingmore estate and equipment then. If I may say so, we have to be realistic.
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