发布时间:2022-06-19 10:47:51来源:互联网
I"m afraid we really need to finish the project as soon as possible. If we don"t keep to theschedule, the delay could lose us our external funding. Losing that could lead to variousproblems, including salaries not being paid on time. Don"t forget as well that the budgetdepends on us finishing by the end of the summer. No, we need to keep to our original plansand keep that money coming in.
As you can see, the figures speak for themselves—our model EXG surpassed all forecasts in itsfirst year. Because of our competitive pricing policy, it has been selling extremely well.However, we want to extend this trend and build on it. We now need to come up with acampaign to make sure we increase the number of models we sell abroad, not just on thedomestic market. Japan is our main target.
We"re relying too heavily on past success, without thinking about where we go from here. Youcan"t just reply on maintaining productivity. Prices of raw materials are rising, and ouroverheads are enormous—look at what we"re spending on buildings alone. In this business,you have to run just to stay in the same place. We"ve got to constantly improve, and thatmeans getting more produced faster, and better.
Time equals money, and you just have to look at the amount of time we spend—well, waste—travelling from place to place to realise that this is costing us too much. We"re duplicating alot of services and systems, which we wouldn"t have to do if we streamlined our offices.Operating from one location instead of four would lead to greater control, considerablereduction in costs and increased efficiency. Staff would appreciate it, too.
I think that there"s a danger—we"re over-diversified and, instead of looking at our productionprocesses and ways of automating them even further, what we should be doing is targeting ourmost successful lines and focusing on them, even if it means abandoning some lines altogether.What I"m talking about is specialisation—concentrate on what we know we do well and what weknow we will make money. And that"ll bring down costs, too.
Sure, the relocation plan is attractive, but just look at the costs! And this just isn"t a goodtime to be spending that sort of money. Why not make the most of what we"ve got, instead ofstarting from scratch? Keep our present location, strip it down, and completely redesign andredecorate our existing workspace. I think we could be far more efficient without such a hugeoutlay.
Well, I feel that we"re just not making enough profit to sustain the kind of growth we need.Obviously, production costs have increased, and I don"t think we"ve taken that into accountnearly enough. Introducing a competitive pricing strategy wouldn"t mean that we couldn"t takeinflation into account, and we should certainly consider this before the end of the year.Otherwise, we"ll find ourselves selling at below cost!
Woman: New Vision, Conference Department, Janet Edwards speaking.
Man: Hello. This is Nick Brown from Business News. I hear you"re running a rather specialconference in Newcastle.
Woman: You mean our event on the tenth of October?
Man: Yes. Can you tell me something about it, so I can mention it in our paper?
Woman: Certainly. The name should give you a clue—we"re calling it "Innovations". Not theusual "Better Sales Techniques", etc.
Man: That sounds very forward-looking. I assume it"s about new developments in technology?
Woman: We thought there were too many seminars on that. We"re focusing on humanresources instead.
Man: New ways of approaching it, I suppose. Interesting! So, who have you got to lead it?
Woman: Well, this is a little different, too—Daniel Christie.
Man: Is he the man from Cambridge Business School who"s just written that book onincentive schemes?
Woman: I believe teamwork is actually his field.
Man: So, for example, the way people interact... Any other special features?
Woman: We"re planning some practical and very unusual workshops about motivation. I thinkthat"ll cause a few surprises.
Man: How "unusual"?
Woman: Come and see for yourself. I"ll send you complementary ticket.
Man: Thank you. I will.
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