2023-06-30 14:51:42来源:互联网
1. T-shirts are a nice little earner and it"s better than the dole.
2. T-shirts now seem almost de rigueur in the West End.
3. He had bare feet, a T-shirt and cords on.
4. T-shirts, the epitome of American casualness, have moved upscale.
5. He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours.
6. He has on a denim shirt with a T-shirt underneath.
7. Supply the missing word(s) and you could win a T-shirt.
8. Nicole loves wearing her diamonds, even with jeans and a white T-shirt.
9. His smiling face appears on T-shirts, billboards, and posters.
10. She could see the muscles of his shoulders beneath his T-shirt.
11. The top can be worn buttoned up or open over a T-shirt.
12. They gave us T-shirts and stickers.
13. Tight fitting T-shirts are making a comeback.
14. Unit sales of T-shirts increased 6%.
15. She wore an olive-green T-shirt.
The owner of a clothes shop in Calcutta recognised him and gave him a discount on a T-shirt.
With "Terror Storm" written on his T-shirt, singer Matthew Bellamy took to a white piano at one point.
He wore a ski mask and a black T-shirt, but the blue hiking shorts seemed out of place.
But after following my T-shirt around the world, my biases aren"t quite so biased anymore.
This book is the story of the people, politics, and markets that created my cotton T-shirt.
Women should be aware that a wet T-shirt competition is an unofficial part of the day.
He wore black jeans, sneakers without socks, and a vest over a white T-shirt.
"Brooklyn" alone works on a basketball jersey, on a T-shirt, in an NBA conversation.
Instead, the rapper danced beside a blue-haired sequined Perry with an oversized t-shirt clearly labeled Neff.
I"d rather have Kevin Durant and the Thunder than wear my own dumb hipster T-shirt.
He also perfected a method for making an exploding T-shirt by nitrating its fibres.
McVeigh, wearing a white T-shirt, khaki pants and slip-on sneakers, looked pale as he awaited death.
How about offering a free t-shirt to someone who checks in to five of your gigs?
As for why she was still waiting she said, "I still want my T-shirt, " she said.
The illustration he provided of this principle was a t-shirt store selling graphic Ts.
Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, wore shackles and a Johnny Cash T-shirt Thursday in a federal courtroom.
Beyond that, I"m fairly certain flip-flops and a Grateful Dead t-shirt work for most every occasion.
T-shirt touring Versailles is jarring when he sneaks into the corner of our tourist photo.
Each T-shirt she saw was a specific small trampling of her fantasy, and hence, pleasure.
Zeyad Bagour said he had never sought to defend any cause by buying the T-shirt.
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