2023-07-18 17:28:58来源:互联网
火龙果(拉丁文名:Hylocereus undulatus Britt),又称红龙果,你知道它的英文单词是什么吗?下面是七考网小编为大家带来火龙果的英文单词,希望大家有所收获。
[名]Dragon fruit; Pitaya fruit ;
1. The star ingredient of the day is dragon fruit!
2. There are also durian, mangosteen, pitaya, rambutan, jackfruit, coconut provided.
各种各样的东南亚知名水果如榴莲 、 山竹 、 火龙果 、 红毛丹 、 菠萝蜜 、 椰青等也会同时展出.
3. It is OK that firedrake fruit adds honey to eat together?
火龙果加蜂蜜一起吃可以 吗 ?
4. The result indicated: Pitaya fruit included 17 kinds of amino acids and species are complete.
结果表明: 火龙果含有17种氨基酸,种类较齐全.
5. Redcurrant, mint, tropical fruit, orange box tree , crushed black currant buds, passionfruit, grassy apples.
红浆果, 薄荷, 热带水果, 桔子, 碎黑加仑芽, 火龙果,香草, 苹果.
Dragon fruits are very delicious and healthy. They are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
There are two main types of pitaya, the sour types, typically eaten in the Americas, and sweettypes found across Asia.
What the mango smoothie lacked in liquid, it more than made up for in the fresh pieces ofwatermelon, kiwi, mango, and dragonfruit.
The Yellow Pitaya is yellow inside and out, and the Costa Rican pitayas are magenta on the outside and the inside.
Still Nanli Lake fish, Xiangou Pho, Dingcheng Zongzi, Longzhou taro, Leiming peanut oil, NanliLake mineral water, and Pitaya, cherry tomato all are the featured brand in Ding"an.
Under the awnings that flank the road, traders offer dragon fruit, rose apples and the flowering stems of Chinese cabbage.
The “red” fruits are generally a bright magenta color on the outside, with yellow flesh.
They smell deliciously fragrant and most have a sweet flavor similar to a kiwi fruit.
Since moving back to the US, I admit that I do miss eating fresh lychees and dragon fruit .
I have eaten pitayas before.
Yes. The pitaya is not only edible.
Like in the days to come we often stop where people sell exotic vegetables and fruits (Buddhist Head, melons, bananas, Guava, Fon-Lon cactus fruit, sweet potatoes, taro...) which we eat onthe spot.
This paper dealt with the best condition of extraction pigment from the skin of pitaya, theextractive stability, and the influences of various additives to the stability of extractive .
Pitaya is a one of the healthy fruits and has promising economic value.
Cooked in a custom-made extra large bamboo steamer, the buns are decorated with natural redpaint - extracted from dragon fruit.
Banana, dragon fruit, Dim Sum.
It has dragon fruit in it!
Yes. This is the pitaya pie.
Yogurt, Dim Sum , dragon fruit, pear.
Mother bought a Dragon Fruit. It has been left there for three days.
The pitaya feast is very famous!
Before adding this, be opposite in Guangzhou periphery of characteristic agriculture step on adot, lavender, cherry, frog, goose, holothurian , rose, even firedrake fruit he has studied.
Planting: potted ornamental peach (space breeding), pitaya northern breeding, seedless grapesand other special fruit.
Microwave-assisted extraction(MAE)method was studied for the extraction of a natural red pigment from the pericarp of Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus Britt &Rose).
The amino acid content and the composition of pitaya fruit and 9 kinds of common tropical andsubtropical fruits were analyzed in this paper.
The composition of fatty acid and amino acid in the seed kernel of white pitaya was analyzed byGC-MS technique and amino acid automatic analysis apparatus respectively.
The pitaya is a , the chain turns fire in its body Long Li, fire Long Li is more small, more pure.
Milk , pastries , shaddock, dragon fruit.
Pitaya fruit, auspicious fruit nickname immortals, high economic value, set fruits, flowers,vegetables, medicine the merits. soon.
Vietnam: mango, longan, banana, lichee, watermelon, rambutan, jackfruit, dragon fruit;
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