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2024-07-13 17:00:31来源:




了解图表类型和题目要求。小作文的图表类型包含以下七类:柱状图、曲线图、饼状图、表格、地图、流程图,还有混合图。       而题干一般会以这样的形式展现:“The chart/bar chart/pie chart/table/graph/diaram/map belows shows...” 

题目要求通常是:“Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.”







还要学习小作文的框架结构,鉴于写作要求的字数和预留的时间有限,同学们要学会用清晰的结构精炼地完成小作文。    通常建议同学们用3段写小作文,包括1个开头段和2个主体段。    1、开头段



(2)概述:概括图表或数据的主要趋势,并体现出对比;用1-2句话,呈现1-2个特征,不用包含具体数据。     2、主体段






表示“展示、阐述或反映”:illustrate, show, display, reflect

表达“变化、趋势或不同”:change, trend, difference

表示限定的时间或范围:from 1968 to 2018, between 1986 and 2018, during the period from 1968 to 2018

(2)表达趋势      上升趋势:increase, rise, go up, ascend, soar, surge to, rocket, grow, jump, balloon, mushroom, an increasing/increment/upward trend      下降趋势:‍‍‍‍‍decrease, decline, drop, sink, fall, slide, go down, descend reduce, plummet, a decreasing/downward trend      维持平稳:stay/remain + still/unchanged/constant/stable/steady, level off at, stabilize at, reach a plateau at, remain stable/steady at, hover at      表示“急剧地;突然地”:sharply, steeply, dramatically, drastically, suddenly      表示“显著地;地”:considerably, significantly, noticeably, remarkably, rapidly      表示“稳步地;逐渐地”:steadily, moderately, gradually, smoothly      表示“轻微地;缓慢地”:slightly, slowly, mildly, moderately

(3)表达较值        到达较高点:peak at, reach/hit the peak of, reach/hit the highest point at       到达较低点:reach the bottom at, fall to its lowest point at

(4)表达流程顺序       表达“阶段、步骤”的名词:stage, step, procedure       表达流程起初步骤:At the first/initial stage, At the beginning, During the initial phase, ... is the first step, The process begins with..., Initially      表达流程中间步骤:The second step is..., The next/following step is..., In the next step, Then, After that      表达流程末尾步骤:The last step is..., Entering the final phase..., Eventually, Finally, Lastly    (5)表达地图中位置和变化

 表达位置:be located in, lies in, be sited, be situated, location, position, site

 表达方位:in the southwest, to the north, at the top of the hill, by the river, off the road, next to, close to, near, far away from, to the right of

表达“扩大了”:be extended, be enlarged, increase, become larger/wider

表达“缩小了”:be reduced, decline, decrease, become smaller/narrower

表达“把...连接起来”:link, connect, lead to, go to, have access to

表达“被取代”:A is replaced/substituted by B; B is occupying the central area where A stood; A has gone and in its place is B; where A stood there is now B





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