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初中英语听力常见单词 初中英语听力

2023-07-17 16:07:20来源:互联网





  January(一月) February(二月) March(三月) April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) August(八月) September(九月)October(十月) November(十一月) December(十二月)

  四季:spring, summer, autumn, winter


  Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三)

  Tursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期日)


  green(绿色) red(红色) bule(蓝色) yellow(黄色) black(黑色)

  white(白色) purple(紫色) pink(粉红色) grey(灰色)darkblue(深蓝色)


  Chinese(语文) math (数学)English(英语)physics(物理) biology(生物) geography(地理) chemistry(化学)history(历史) politics(政治) music(音乐) painting(美术) computer(电脑)(PE)(体育)science(科学)


  apple(苹果) pear(梨) banana(香蕉) grape(葡萄) peach(桃子)

  orang(橙子) watermelon(西瓜) mango(芒果)


  basketball(篮球) baseball(棒球) volleyball(排球)

  balloon(气球) tennis(网球)table tennis(乒乓球) football (足球)

  go swimming, go skating, go skiing, go for a walk


  tiger(虎)bird(鸟) fish(鱼) bear(熊)dog(狗) cat(猫) pig(猪) cow(牛) sheep(绵羊)goat(山羊) monkey(猴子) Mickey Mouse(米老鼠)


  grandfather/grandpa(爷爷) grandmother/grandma(奶奶)father/dad/ (爸爸) mother/mum/(妈妈)husband(丈夫)wife(妻子)son(儿子)daughter(女儿)grandson(孙子) granddaughter(孙女)sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟)niece(侄女)

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  head(头) hand(手) elbow(肘) arm(臂) chest(胸) stomach(腹) waist(腰) leg(腿) knee(膝) foot(脚) mouth(嘴)

  10《节日类》:on+天, in+很多天

  on Christmas Eve(平安夜) Spring Festival(春节) Children Day(国际儿童节) Army Day(建军节) Teachers’ Day(教师节) New Year Day(元旦)

  11.《地点类》at+小地点, in+大地点

  park, school ,hospital ,post office, library ,street ,road ,shop ,bank, hotel, restaurant ,river, airport, school gate, office, station,

  12. 人名:

  Tony, Mike, Tom, Green, John, Jim, Jason, Tom, Nancy, Alice, Linda, Mary, Kate….

  13. 国家,地名:

  China, Japan, Canada, England, France, Germany,, London, America,

  14.国籍: 某国的,某国人

  Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Canadian, British , English, American, Korean, French, German, Indian….

  15.常用形容词:it is +形容词+to do

  warm, cold, interesting, beautiful, slow, quick, famous, rich, nice, safe, new, old, cheap, expensive, dirty, clean, careful, boring(令人觉得无聊的), bored, bright, sleepy, difficult, important, necessary

  it is +形容词+of sb; 做了某事的这个人怎么样(某人特质):

  It is nice of you to help me.

  it is +形容词+for sb:做某事对某人来讲怎么样(非特质):

  It is difficult for him to learn Chinese




  a single/double room(单人间/ 双人间), check in (登记)

  check out(付账后离开旅馆) coffee(咖啡),tip(小费)

  book a boom(预订房间), five-star(五星级),soup (汤)

  full(满的), order(定购),drink(喝)

  tea(茶), waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员),

  restaurant(饭店),bath room(洗澡间)

  2. 机场、车站:

  airport(机场), flight(航班), airline(航线),

  gas station(加油站)luggage(行李), railway(铁路), platform(站台), take off(起飞)bus station(公共汽车站), fare(车费、船费)

  3. 图书馆:

  keep(保持), borrow(借…), library(图书馆), renew(续借), lend(把…借给), in time(及时), dictionary(字典)

  4. 学校:

  classroom(教室), subject(科目), exam(考试), course(课程), test(测验), fail(失败), term(学期), playground(操场), swimming-pool(游泳池), dining hall(食堂), gym(体育馆)


  order(点菜), menu(菜单), bill(账单), wine(葡萄酒), soup(汤), waiter(男服务员),waitress(女服务员)

  6.医院:doctor(医生), nurse(护士), take the temperature(量体温), examine(检查), have a fever(发烧), take the medicine(吃药), drink water(喝水)

  7.商店: How much(多少), sizes(尺寸), price(价格), change(零钱), cheap(便宜的),expensive(昂贵的), counter(柜台), check out(结账) cash(现金), pay(付钱), assistant(助手),

  what color(什么颜色)

  8.邮局:post(邮局), stamp(邮票), envelope(信封), charge(费用), postage(邮费、邮资), parcel(包裹)


  Shall we meet at …? 我们可以在…见面吗?

  Where shall we meet? 我们在哪里见面?

  All right. See you then. 好的,一会见。

  Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to …? 打扰一下,您能告诉我去…的路吗? How can I get to …? 我该怎么到…?

  I"m looking for … Do you know? 我在找… 您知道吗?

  Go down/along this street (to)… 顺着这条街走到…

  Follow this road until you come to … 顺着这条路一直走到…

  Go straight ahead till you see… 一直往前走,直到你看到…

  Turn right/left at the first/second crossing. 在第一个/第二个交叉路口,向右/左拐。 It"s near from here. 离这儿很近/很远。

  You can"t/ won"t miss it. 你肯定能找到它。

  Excuse me, which bus goes to… please? 对不起,请问哪辆车去...?

  You need a No.7 bus. 你需要乘7路汽车。

  You"d better catch/take a bus. 你最好乘汽车去。



  hobby(兴趣), interest(兴趣), not as/so …as(不如……) rather than(是…而不), play chess(下棋), favorite(喜欢的), play football(踢足球), draw(画画), fan (迷) attract (吸引) sing(唱歌), read(阅读), like(喜欢)film(电影), sports(运动),hate(憎恨), movie(电影), concert(音乐会) comedy(喜剧), play the violin(拉小提琴),country music(乡村音乐) folk music(民间音乐), pop music(流行音乐), enjoy(喜爱) be fond of(喜欢), be good

  at(擅长),horror film(恐怖电影) prefer… to…(与…相比,更喜欢…),play basketball(打篮球) cash (现金) for sale (待售) service (服务) pair (双,副,套) fit (合适) measure (尺寸) size (大小,尺寸) style (款式) clothing (衣服) department store (百货公司) bookstore (书店)


  I rather enjoy traveling. 我比较喜欢旅行。

  I like to play the guitar. 我喜欢弹吉他。

  I"m fond of / keen on cycling. 我热衷于骑自行车。

  I"d rather go dancing. 我比较想去跳舞。

  I prefer meat to fish. 我喜欢吃肉胜过喜欢吃鱼。

  I love sports. 我喜爱运动。

  I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。

  I"m good at singing. 我很会唱歌。

  I"m interested in playing computer game. 我对玩电脑游戏很感兴趣。

  My brother enjoys listening to the pop music. 我的弟弟喜欢听流行音乐

  I like country music best. 我最喜欢乡村音乐。

  What"s your favorite song? 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?

  My teacher is fond of classical music. 我的老师热衷于古典音乐。

  Which film do you prefer, a love story, a comedy, a musical or an adventure?

  你比较喜欢什么样的电影? 爱情片、喜剧片、音乐剧还是探险片?

  What"s your hobby in your spare time? 你的业余爱好是什么?

  I"ve never liked Jazz. 我讨厌爵士乐。

  I really go for photography. 我确实喜欢摄影。

  I don"t like banana. 我不喜欢香蕉。

  I"ll take it. 我买了。

  Can you make it cheaper? 您能再便宜点吗?

  It"s too big. 太大了。

  Do you have any other sizes? 你们还有别的号码吗?

  May I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?

  How many/much do you want? 你想要多少?

  What about this one? 这个怎么样?

  Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?

  This dress looks on you. 这件衣服看上去很适合你。

  Anything else? 您还要点别的吗?


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