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骑自行车的英文怎么说 骑自行车英文例句

2023-05-30 17:23:16来源:七考网


astride a bicycle
by bicycle
ride on a bicycle
ride on a cycle

No cycling
不许骑自行车Difficult terrain for cycling
骑自行车难以行走的地带Play with a ball,toy,bicycle
玩球、玩玩具、骑自行车玩He can"t maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike.
他骑自行车不能保持平衡。You"ll never learn to ride a bicycle if you don"t practise.
假如你不练习的话,就永远学不会骑自行车。Ride your bike or carpool whenever possible : In many of the cities in the US it is hard to get by without a car.
尽可能骑自行车或合伙使用汽车: 在美国的许多城市,出门没车是很困难的。Almost half of those who die in road traffic crashes are pedestrians, cyclists or users of motorized two-wheelers.
在道路交通事故死亡者中,近一半是行人、骑自行车或开两轮机动车的人。bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws
骑自行车者无拘无束,仿佛两轮车就可以不遵守交通规则似的。He eyed the horseshoe poster over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like a cod in a pot.
他望了望贴在学院运动场大门上的那张马蹄形海报:骑自行车的恰似锅里的鳕鱼那样蜷缩着身子。They like riding bicycles.

prep. 横跨,跨骑,跨越

The bridge stands majestic astride the river.
大桥巍然横跨在江上。Sitting astride a horse,a gate,sb"s knee
骑在马上,大门上,某人的膝上.So it will be with China and its impending hegemony: English is astride the globe to stay.
因此,英语将伴随中国及其未来霸权存在:英语将跨骑于地球继续主宰世界语言。When d"Urberville got back to the tent he sat down astride on a chair reflecting, with a pleased gleam in his face.
德贝维尔回到帐篷以后,就叉开双腿坐在椅子上沉思起来,脸上闪现出得意的神气。One instant he was astride a broncho and flying through the fairy-colored Painted Desert country

n. 自行车,脚踏车,单车
v. 骑自行车

The bicycle doctor is doctoring my bicycle.
自行车修理工正给我修自行车。The bicycles are kept under a shed.
自行车存放在车棚下面。bicycle luggage carrier
自行车行李架 They like riding bicycles.
他们爱骑自行车。I have a light bicycle.


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