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所以的英文怎么说 所以的英文例句

2023-07-01 20:48:25来源:七考网


as a result

They had some trouble once over a halter, and, both being good haters, there was bad blood between them.
他们两人以前为了缰绳的事发生过一些龃龉,因为两人都是记仇记恨的人,所以宿怨不能消解。Impurity of the water made it unfit to drink.
因为水质不纯净,所以不能饮用。Thus he recorded events with clouds, and designated officials with clouds.
所以以云记事,以云命官。The reason I talked about those two points was that at the time they were controversial.
当时,所以要讲这两条,是因为有争论。So it is virtually risk-free for you .
所以,事实上对您而言,是完全没有风险的。It follows that opposing superpower hegemony means preserving world peace.
所以,反对超级大国的霸权主义也就是维护世界和平。He is a penny pincher because he grew up in a poor family.
"他在穷人家长大,所以非常节省。"His salary is low and he gets few luxuries.
他的薪水微薄,所以很少买奢侈品。So from then on they switched over completely to undercover activities
所以,以后他们就完全转入秘密了。Because we are so young, when some matters come, we just do it all again.

adv. 因此,所以

A single isolated force is therefore an impossibility.
所以单独的孤立的力是不存在的。 Expertise in this aspect of the work is therefore essential.
因此,必须具有这一方面的专业技能。A single isolate force is therefore an impossibility.
所以单独的孤立的力是不存在的。We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or to die
因此,我们必须下定决心,若不克敌制胜,就是捐躯疆场。It therefore becomes an advantageous method that can be easily implemented.

n. 结果;后果;成绩;成果;(足球比赛的)胜局;成效

The result of such an analysis.
化验报告,分析结果这样化验的结果 resultant force
合力 The result is paradoxical.
结果是荒谬的。That is the sufficient result.
那是必然的结果。result in success


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