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2023-05-30 17:09:40来源:七考网


paper towel

Use a paper towel to soak up the cooking oil
用纸巾把食油吸乾Sop up the water with a paper towel.
用纸巾把水吸干.Sop up the water with a paper towel
用纸巾把水吸干A machine dispensing paper towels
供应纸巾的机器.I need a jumbo box of tissues.
我需要一盒特大号纸巾。He used a piece of tissue to clean his sunglasses.
他用一张纸巾擦太阳镜。Please pass me a piece of paper handkerchief
请递给我一张纸巾。He got a mop, a bucket, and some paper towels.
他拿来拖把、水桶和一些纸巾。There is a paper towel dispenser in the bathroom .
卫生间里有自动出纸巾的装置。She moistened a tissue and gently wiped the dust off the necklace.

n. 纸;报纸;文件;论文;试卷
v. 贴糊墙纸;用纸覆盖;用纸包装
adj. 纸制的

This is the final paper.
这是最后一版的报纸。 The paper is sexpartite.
这篇论文由六部分组成。a slip of paper
一张纸条 She papered the room with green paper.
她用绿色墙纸裱糊房间。Waterleaf: Unsized and moisture-absorbent paper such as blotting paper or filter paper.

n. 毛巾,手巾;纸巾
v. 用毛巾擦

cotton terry toweling
水结毛巾布 The maid towelled the child dry.
女佣用毛巾把孩子的身体拭干。She toweled her face clean
她擦干净她的脸He towelled his wet hair.
他用毛巾擦干湿发。Have you put out clean towels for the guest.


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