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发音的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-05-30 17:25:22来源:七考网



This record sounds scratchy.
这张唱片发音很刺耳。 Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker.
发音清晰对演说家至关重要。Knight. The "k" is silent.
Knight。其中的K不发音。 The configuration of the earth"s surface, the vocal tract,the solar system
地球表面的形状;发音系统的构造;太阳系的分布.Will there be a good pronunciation , you must learn phonology with being aware of
要有一个好的发音,你必须自觉地学习语音。Degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation is very important in speech or singing.
发音的清楚和明晰程度在演讲或唱歌中是很重要的。To omit or slur over(a syllable,for example)in pronunciation.
省略在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)A speech counterpart of orthographic a.
a字的发音The articulation of a plosive sound.
破裂发音一个爆发音的发音To pronounce distinctly and carefully;enunciate.

v. 发音;宣称;断言

He spoke with a pronounced stutter.
他说话明显结巴。The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.
专家断言这张图是赝品。It is difficult to pronounce this trisyllable.
这个三音节的字很难发音。He is a man of pronounced opinions.
他是个有坚定意见的人。Not pronounced; silent, as the e in the word house.

n. 发音,读法

Her English pronunciation is passable.
她的英语发音还说得过去。He speaks with standard pronunciation.
他讲话发音标准。His pronunciation proclaimed that he was an American.
他的发音显露出他是美国人。 She adopted the British pronunciation of the word.
她采用这个字的英国读法。You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary


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