2023-05-28 20:15:20来源:互联网
歌手介绍:Chris Rene是2011年第一季由FOX电视台举办的《美版 X音素》季军。Chris Rene 在初赛中演唱原创作品《Young Homie》一举成名,受到评委一致好评,该段视频也在互联网上广为流传。
Chris Rene – Young Homie
Open up my mind with these spoken words,
Let this music heal like an overture,
She’s the only one, one, one, yeah,
And so I roll with her, ooh,
That’s how it’s supposed to be,
Living life with loved ones close to me,
Shh, ahh, this is the remedy,
And I got the recipe, I don’t need no Hennessy,
Yeah, it’s been two months/three years now,
Haven’t had a drink and I’m starting to see clear now,
I’m putting all my fears down,
I can hear the cheers now,
Seeing peace signs when I look around,
Hey, young homie what you tripping on
Looking at life, like how did I get it wrong,
Life’s too short, gotta live it long,
To my brothers and sisters when will we get along,
Hey, big homie what you tripping on,
What you really tripping on,
Life’s too short, gotta live it long,
To my brothers and sisters when will we get along
Give peace to the war in the streets,
Give peace to the evil that creeps, yeah,
I just ride, put my hand to the sky,
Live life like I’m never gon’ die,
See we be fighting and fussing over nothing,
So much destruction, looking upwards,
Combusting like nothing, now listen,
It takes an education, to change your reputation,
From bad to good, you're even better now you’re elevating,
They be singing, family singing, everybody’s chilling,
Not gonna stop this, living on the feeling,
Man this is the real thing, tell me can you feel me,
Wait until they drop this, dancing on the ceiling,
Hey, young homie what you tripping on
Looking at life, like how did I get it wrong,
Life’s too short, gotta live it long,
To my brothers and sisters when will we get along,
Hey, big homie what you tripping on,
What you really tripping on,
Life’s too short, gotta live it long,
To my brothers and sisters when will we get along
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