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英语六级写作分析和实战技巧 谚语警句型作文怎么写?

2019-06-06 15:00:50来源:搜狐





Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying“Respect others,and you will be expected”.You can cite examples to illustrate your views.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

祈使句+and+陈述句 相当于 if从句+主句 ,题目中“Respect others,and you will be expected”可以翻译为“你要尊重别人,这样别人才会尊重你”,简而言之,尊重是相互的。本文属于谚语警句型作文,题中提示到可以举例说明,虽然不是硬性要求,但多数人可能都会注意到并将其展示在作文中,所以,同学们可以通过举例来证明观点。









An instructive saying goes that ” Respect others,and you will be expected”.Simple as the saying is,its meaning is profound and thought-provoking.Evidently,it is meant to tell us that respect is mutual,which can only be obtained when you pay it to others.


Actually,history abounds with examples to prove this saying.Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the deeds of Premier Zhou Enlai.As one of the most respectable statesmen in China and even the whole world,he won his respect by paying it to others first.IN fact,he was respected not only by prominent officials,but also by plain citizens.Stories go widely that he often stopped and paid his respect to street cleaner by greeting them and thanking them for their work.

Taking a look around ourselves,we can also find evidences for the saying.Many rich people are scorned and even hated by others just because they are so proud,looking down upon and even bullying others.


Bring what has discussed into a conclusion,we may say that respect is not something that you can buy or force from others.Instead,in social interaction,only when you take the initiative to respect others can you be rewarded by others’ respect. In a word,we should truly understand the profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions in our life in the future./Only in this way can we expect a harmonious society.

相关内容: 英语


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