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2023-05-15 16:07:18来源:七考网


frown on ;frown upon

frown one"s displeasure
皱眉表示不满The athletes are highly critical of the training system.
运动员对训练制度表示不满。He has never dissatisfied with this plan.
他从来没有对计划表示不满。The audience hissed its displeasure.
观众发出嘘声表示不满A loud sound expressing disapproval;a raspberry.
表示不满的响亮的声音;咂舌声Impatient drivers beeped their annoyance
等得不耐烦的驾驶员嘟嘟鸣笛表示不满。We heard a mutter of discontent.
我们听到有人窃窃私议表示不满。A protrusion of the lips,especially as an expression of sullen discontent.
撅嘴嘴唇之撅起,尤指表示不满或不高兴Angry cars growl to a halt and sullenly crouch at her feet, snarling their annoyance, fretting to be away
愤怒的汽车嘎然而止,气鼓鼓地匍匐在她脚下,咆哮着表示不满,急于赶路。"Calderwood might smell the liquor on his breath and disapprove, but he was past that, too."

n. 皱眉,蹙额
v. 皱眉;不同意

She frowned and frowned, but to no effect.
她把眉头皱了又皱,但是什么效果也没有。Collins frowned and looked away.
柯林斯皱了皱眉头,又往别处看去。 She frowned to silence the children.
她眉头一皱使孩子们都安静下来。 Tom has the trick of frowning.
汤姆有皱眉头的习惯。She relayed the message, then frowned.

prep. 在...上;紧接着;逼近;根据;走上...;爬上...

He stepped upon the alter.
他走上圣坛。To bear hard upon;press.
使痛苦不堪对某人施加困难;逼迫 press hard upon
进逼|压迫|穷追 call upon; call on
应用;访问;号召;呼吁 Lay stress on / upon


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