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等待的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-05-12 10:07:48来源:七考网


wait for

The torture of waiting in suspense.
在不知结果中等待的痛苦The jobless man did nothing but wait for his chance.
那个失业者守株待兔等待机会。The crowd waited patiently in a line for the doors to open.
群众排成一行耐心等待门打开。Now the long awaited winter vacation is near at hand.
等待好久的寒假快要到啦。 For example, for many phone systems, you should click *70 in the list to turn off call waiting.
例如,对于大多数电话系统,应该在该列表中单击“*70”以关闭呼叫等待。I saw a number of amputation stumps from which long ligatures dangled, waiting to ripen in pus to drop off
我看见许多截肢端外面露出长的结扎线,等待化脓后再脱落。Abide one"s time
等待时机On call; waiting in case he was needed
等待命令的To wait for luck is the same thing as waiting for death. ——Henry Ford
等待走运无异于等待死亡。——福特Everything comes to him who waits.

v. 等候,等待;推迟,延缓;盼望;服务,服侍
n. 等候,等待

I"ll wait you in the slip.
我在码头等你。She has impatience to wait for the bus.
她没有耐心等公共汽车到来。You will just have to wait your turn.
你得等到轮到你才行。I will wait for you long.
我会一直等你。to wait until; to remain

v. 等待;期待

Death awaits all men.
死亡将降临到所有人身上。The hotel is awaiting its rebirth.
饭店正在重建。It was completely hopeless. They had to await their doom.
希望已绝,他们只能坐以待毙了。What then awaits the faithful follower of Jesus?
什么东西在等待耶稣忠实的信徒呢? I await your further instructions.


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