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然后用英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-03-31 15:46:17来源:七考网


then (afterwards)
after that

Turn to the right and go straight.
向右转,然后往前走。"The caterpillar stopped
"然后毛毛虫停下来,不说话了。Then he made his rounds of the wards.
然后他查了查病房。Drive on for a kilometre; then take a right turn.
向前开一公里;然后向右转。Come over the field and then turn left
穿过田野,然后向左拐。The dispatcher could then select the condition that is most easily implemented.
然后调度员选择最易执行的工况。He folded the paper in two and put it away.
他把纸对折,然后放到一边。Draw (in) a deep Breath and let it out slowly
深深吸一口气,然后慢慢地往外吐。The doctor asked me to breathe in, then to breathe out fully.
医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。 Nine mocking years with the golden calf and three long years of the scourge!

prep. 在…以后;在…后面;低于;模仿;尽管
conj. 在…之后
adv. 以后,之后;在后面,随后
adj. 以后的,后部的

After you, sir.
先生,您先。 Counsel after action is like rain after harvest
放马后炮pattern oneself after
模仿样子 Look after yourself, bye!
自己当心点。 再见!After the storm the sky cleared.

adv. 然后,后来

Afterward the servant will say:“There was no answer to that…”
后来这位仆人总是说:“我当时无言以对…”But it seems so futile afterwards.
可是到后来就变得很琐碎。A peeress by marriage afterwards intermarried with a commoner.
一个嫁给贵族而成为贵妇人的女子后来又与一个平民通婚(结婚)。Afterwards they can promote the development of the interior.
从而带动内地更好地发展Afterwards they went into the smoking-room for coffee and biscuits.


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