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复活节的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-03-24 16:44:12来源:七考网



Christmas is fixed, but Easter is a movable feast.
圣诞节的日期是固定的,但复活节的日期却因年而异The bunny does not compete with religion.
复活节兔子并不与宗教相争。Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals.
圣诞节和复活节是基督教的节日.Five thousand people were flown to Paris during the Easter weekend.
在复活节的周末有五千人乘飞机去巴黎.Easter:a Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.
复活节:纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日。Children believe that the Easter bunny brings a basket of sweets.
孩子们认为复活节小兔子带来了糖果。He turned up at a fancy dress Easter dance in the guise of a white rabbit.
他扮成白兔在复活节化装舞会上亮相。Tourism was cornwall"s lifeblood and the Easter vacation period was at hand
旅游业是当时康沃尔的经济命脉,而且复活节假期即将来临。The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.
Easter (复活节)一词由Eostre(多神教的春天女神)衍生而来。Tourism was cornwall"s lifeblood and the Easter vacation period was at hand.
n. 复活节

Ascension Day( the Thursday that is the fortieth day after Easter)
耶稣升天节(复活节后的第四十天,星期四).Easter:a Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.
复活节:纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日。Children believe that the Easter bunny brings a basket of sweets.
孩子们认为复活节小兔子带来了糖果。He only sees her at Christmas and Easter.
他只有在圣诞节和复活节时才能见到她。 The though and vision of the Easters are different from that of Westerners.

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