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胜利者的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-03-24 16:23:48来源:七考网



The winners peal the bells to celebrate victory.
胜利者让钟声齐鸣庆祝胜利。What a heaven-sent bonanza! One stuffed his pockets full to overflowing; the other filled in his trunck chockfull
两个胜利者一个装满了他的口袋,另一个看见了,就塞满了他的箱子。Whoever wins will get a prize .
胜利者得奖。The crowd surrounded the victor.
人群挤在胜利者周围。The winner received a laurel crown.
胜利者获得一桂冠。The victor marched off in triumph.
胜利者得意而归。The crowd hailed the victor.
群众欢呼迎接胜利者。Irresolute persons make poor victors.
优柔寡断的人不会成为胜利者。People crowned the victors with laurels
人们给胜利者们戴上桂冠。This time the winner could obtain triple tributes.
这一次胜利者可以获得三倍的贡品。 victor是什么意思
n. 胜利者,战胜者;得胜者

The crowd surrounded the victor.
人群挤在胜利者周围。The Life of Victor Hugo
维克多·雨果传记 The knights rendered their swords to the victors.
骑士向胜利者交剑投降。It remains to be see who will be the victor in the contest.
谁将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。Murray or sanguine- Not hasty in battle, and yet a victor.
血红色-征在战场上向来应对谨慎,却依然总受到胜利之神眷顾的人。 winner是什么意思
n. 胜利者,优胜者

He was responsible for the placing of the winners.
他负责评定选手名次。 They hailed the winner with clapping.
众人以热烈的掌声为胜利者喝彩。Did anyone back the winner?
有人下注下在最后胜出的这匹马上了吗? The jury is about to announce the winners.
评委会即将宣布优胜者。But it has backed a couple notable winners.

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