2023-06-03 20:10:32来源:七考网
talented person
Is it only the riff-raff who leave litter about in the parks?
只有死人才不会犯错误。The memBers of the Board felt that she was vice-presidential material.
董事会成员认为她是个当副总裁的人才The mystery was known but to a chosen few
只有那万中挑一的人才得知其中的奥妙。A man is no told until regrets take the place of dreams. ——John Barrymore
直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。——巴里莫尔Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others. --Erich Fromm
只有对自己有信心的人才会对别人守信用。 --埃立克·弗洛姆The design department is highly respected within the company for its history of success in developing new talent.
设计部颇受公司器重,因为它在发现新人才方面有着悠久的历史。We go on viewing foreign talents who have much to contribute to our continued prosperity with tainted glasses.
可我们却偏偏还带着有色眼光看待对于我国继续繁荣昌盛影响颇大的外来人才。Enterprising (pioneering) talent
开拓型人才Personnel applicable for foreign business affairs
adj. 有才能的,能干的
It is not wise to force the kids" talent.
对这小孩的才能拔苗助长是不明智的。They proved themselves talented and capable.
他们证明自己很有天赋和能力。Nurture your gifts and talents.
培养你的天赋和才能。 You are certainly a talented artist.
你当然是位有天赋的艺术家。Talented in or devoted to music.
n. 人;身体;外表,容貌;人称
A wanton person.
淫荡的人 an outspoken person
直率的人 You are such a wicked person.
你真是个讨要的人。Are you a spiritual person?
你是个高尚的人吗?There was not a person in view.
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