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2023-11-20 15:51:26来源:互联网





  solve the problem

  settle a dispute


  未解决问题列表 List of unsolved problems

  帮助人们解决问题 help people solve problems

  解决问题的办法 the solution to the problem

  解决问题的技巧 Problem solving skills

  解决问题型任务 problem solving tasks

  为我解决问题 Solves the problem for me

  解决问题的思路 Solution seeking Mindset

  分析和解决问题 analyze and solve problems


  1. It was in the beginning, when we were still ironing out problems.


  2. Prison is not the answer for most young offenders.


  3. Hiring a nanny has turned out to be the perfect solution.


  4. Don"t just immediately give up but think about ways round a problem.


  5. He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction.


  6. a piecemeal approach to dealing with the problem


  7. She"s a good problem solver .


  8. a systematic approach to solving the problem


  9. It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately.


  10. an unscientific approach to a problem


  11. They have arrived at a solution via scientific investigation.


  12. Such comments are inane because they don"t help us solve our problem.


  13. The analysis of a problem is the starting point for its solution.


  14. We should develop the students"ability to analyse and solve problems.


  15. We knew her competence in solving problems.



  Seven years ago, when I was visting Germany, I met with a n official who explained to me that the country had a perfect solution to its economic problems. Watching the U.S. economy soar during the "90s, the Germans had decided that they, too, needed to go the high-technology route. But how? In the late "90s, the answer seemed obvious: Indians.


  After all, Indian entrepreneurs accounted for one of every three Silicon Valley start-ups. So the German government decided that it would lure Indians to Germany just as America does: by offering green cards. Officials created something called the German Green Card and announced that they would issue 20,000 in the first year.


  Naturally, the Germans expected that tens of thousands more Indians would soon be begging to come, and perhaps the quotas would have to be increased. But the program was a failure. A year later barely half of the 20,000 cards had been issued. After a few extensions, the program was abolished.


  I told the German official at the time that I was sure the initiative woudl fail. It"s not that I had any particular expertise in immigration policy, so I understood something about green cards, because I had one (the American version).


  The German Green Card was misnamed, I argued, because it never, under any circumstances, translated into German citizenship. The U.S. green card, by contrast, is an almost automatic path to becoming American (after five years and a clean record). The official dismissed my objection, saying that there was no way Germany was going to offer these people citizenship. "We need young tech workers," he said. "That"s what this program is all about."


  So Germany was asking bright young professionals to leavve their country, culture and families, move thousands of miles away, learn a new languaged and work in a strange land - but without any prospect of ever being part of their new home. Germany was sending a signal, one that was clearly received in India and other countries, and also by Germany"s own immigrant community.



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