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小时的英文怎么读 小时的英文例句

2023-07-20 14:51:58来源:互联网



  小时[xiǎo shí]


  hour ; hr.

  网 络hour;Hours;hr;hrs



  He felt very hungry after four-hours' hard work.


  After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.


  The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.


  I always rest for an hour after dinner.



  The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.


  It was many hours before he came back to life.


  When she was a child she would spend hours playing with a doll.


  A lecture is about an hour long and a tutorial usually runs for about two hours.


  The ailing man alternated two hours of work with one hour of rest.

  1. The average commuter journey there is five hours long. 那里的通勤一族平均上下班要花5个小时。

  2. They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy. 他们在小舢板上漂浮了3个小时后才被发现。

  3. He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another. 一个小时、两个小时过去了,他不耐烦了。

  4. A few hours later bomb disposal experts defused the devices. 几小时以后拆弹专家拆除了该爆炸装置的引信。

  5. He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall. 他好几个小时都对着一堵墙掷网球。

  6. The batteries had a life span of six hours. 这些电池的寿命为6小时。

  7. It would take three to six hours for a round trip. 往返行程需要3到6个小时。

  8. Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department. 病人在这个科看病需要两个多小时的时间。

  9. This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours. 这种药有一个严重缺陷:它的药力只能持续6个小时。

  10. His workday starts at 3.30 a.m. and lasts 12 hours. 他凌晨3点半开始工作,一直持续12小时。

  11. Let this cook on low for another 1 hr 15 mins. 用小火再煮1小时15分钟。

  12. The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict. 6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。

  13. In less than two hours Cohen capitulated to virtually every demand. 还不到两个小时,科恩就屈服了,接受了几乎一切要求。

  14. Jack took out his notes and talked for just under an hour. 杰克掏出他的笔记,讲了将近一个小时。

  15. Twelve hours is the minimum, sixty hours the maximum. 12小时为下限,60小时为上限.

  16. They walked through the dense Mozambican bush for thirty six hours. 他们花了36个小时穿过茂密的莫桑比克丛林。

  17. Fischer won after 5 hours and 41 minutes of play. 经过5小时41分钟的较量,菲舍尔获得了胜利。

  18. If prepared many hours ahead, the mixture may separate out. 如果提前几个小时就准备好了,混合物可能会分离开。

  19. The game took her less than an hour to finish. 她没用一个小时就拿下了这场比赛。

  20. The announcement came after a three-hour Cabinet meeting in Downing Street. 在唐宁街进行了长达3个小时的内阁会议后发布了这份公告。


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