2023-07-06 15:21:49来源:七考网
root cause
A source of irritation.
引发愤怒的原因I wrote an excuse for my absence from school.
我写了一张请假条,说明缺课的原因。 Illness as a disqualification for enlistment in the army.
疾病是取消参军入伍资格的一个原因。hypertension for which no recognizable cause can be found is called essential or idiopathic
不明原因的高血压称为特发性或原发性高血压。Booking consists of logging the name and the reason for the arrest in the record book.
备案包括记录名字、被逮捕的原因。One is the original cause of the big bang itself.
其中一个是大爆炸本身产生的初始原因。Ascend to causes, descend to consequences
往上追溯到原因,往下推论至结果。That explained the sudden silence.
这就是这里突然寂静下去的原因。 Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities.
废气已被视为城市空气污染的原因。Humanized operate system, when bread down the occurrence.
n. 原因;理由;事业,目标
v. 引起;使遭受;促使
There is no cause for concern.
不必担心。 To cause to zoom.
使急遽上升,使猛增 To cause to taper.
n. 起源;出身;原点;起端
a person with an original
有创作头脑的人 It was edited from the original text.
这是根据原文本编译的。a Spanish rendering of the original Arabic
n. 根;根源;根基;词根;祖先
v. 生根;根源在于,来源于
nematode damage to the soybean roots is characterized by coarse roots
线虫破坏大豆根系的特征是:根系粗糙。These plants have very deep roots.
这些植物的根长得很深。Hope is the root of hopeful.
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