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无能为力用英文怎么说 无能为力用英文例句

2023-06-03 20:13:59来源:七考网


[Literal Meaning]
to be able to do nothing about it


unable to do anything


This task has been implemented and cannot be changed. I am unable to do anything too.

to have one"s hand tied
incapable of action
can do nothing for somebody (about something)
cannot do anything to help

Defeat in North Carolina seemed to break the back of the entire fundamentalist crusade
在北卡罗来纳的失败,似乎使整个原教旨主义运动再也无能为力了。Oh—nothing, nothing; except chasten yourself with the thought of“how are the mighty fallen”
呃,无能为力,无能为力喽,不过,“盖世雄杰,何竟死亡!”你也只好想着这句话,宽宽自己的心了。It can"t be helped.
无能为力The quality or condition of being impotent.
无能为力无能为力的状态或性质I am powerless to intervene in the matter.
我对调停此事无能为力。I"m quite powerless in the matter.
这件事我无能为力。There"s not a darn thing he can do about it.
他对此根本无能为力。Math is beyond me.
我对数学无能为力There"s nothing we can do; we must leave it at that.
我们无能为力,我们必须听其自然。The manager was sympathetic, But he could do nothing.

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