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2023-02-20 16:53:47来源:互联网




I want you to take good care of him , Quentin. He is one of our best customers.昆汀,我想让你好好关照他。他是我们最好的客户之一。下面介绍问候对话范文,希望可以为您带来帮助。

Hello, David, good to see you a-gain.


Hello, Tom. How s business?


Oh, can t complain.


And the family?


Fine, thanks.


Good. Tom, I d like to introduce a colleague, Quentin Richardson. Quenti s just joined us from EA, and he served for after you from now on. He ll be your day-to-day contact.

好的,汤姆,我给你介绍一位同事,昆汀 理查德森。昆汀刚刚从EA公司来到我们公司工作,从现在起,他将为您服务。他是您的日常联络员。

Hello, Mr. Thomas.


Tom , please. Mr. Thomas makes me sound old.

请叫我汤姆吧托马斯先生 听起来老气横秋的。

Fine, Tom. I m Quentin. I look forward to working with you.


I want you to take good care of him , Quentin. He is one of our best customers.


I ll do my best.


I m sure you will, Quentin.


Well, to start the ball rolling, how about having lunch together?


You know all my favorite restaurants, David.



A:How are you doing? Pretty good, I imagine?


B : Actually not so good. That s why we made a special trip to see you.


A:OK,let me hear it. I d be glad to help if I can.


B : Good. I want to discuss with you the mode of payment for the construction of the power plant under negotiation.


A : Well,I trust that your presence will hasten the settlement of payment terms.


B:l would like to explain to you our financial position. The manufacture of machinery and its accessories and parts will consume both time and money. It takes five years to manufacture the machinery and we will have to advance the cost for the main machines to be produced, and besides this there are large sums to be paid to our subcontractors for the manufacture of the accessories and parts.

B:我想先说明一下我们的状况。制造这些机器和必 要的零部件既要时间,又费金钱,机器的制造过程需要 5年,我们得垫付主要机器的生产费用。此处,还要向 分包商支付大笔的生产附件、零件的款项。

A:But for an enterprise of your size, an order from us will certainly not embarrass you financially.

A:但对你们那样的大企业来说,我们的一笔订货肯定不 会使你们在财务上受窘的。

B:Well,in fact,It is beyond our financial capability.


A:In what way can we solve the problem?


B : Have you considered the possibility of a buyer s credit?


A:Yes. But the sum is large, it must be provided by a group of banks.


B : So, we propose your company apply to Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation for a long-term loan. Six months before each shipment, you through Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation open, in our favour, an irrevocable, dividable L/C which is to remain valid for two months.

B:所以,我们建议你们向汇丰银行申请长期贷款。每批 货装运前6个月,你们通过汇丰银行向我们开立有效 期为两个月的不可撤销的、可分割的信用证。

A: Well,we accept your suggestion.


3商务英语商品包装对话 A: What kind of packing do you plan to use for this consignment of goods?


B: Cartons. Is that okay?


A:I m concerned about the possible jolting, squeezing and collision that may take place when these cases are moved about.

A:对于箱子在搬来搬去的过程中可能发生的碰撞、挤压 和撞击的问题我还是很关心的。

B:Well, what I can tell you is this. We ve got an excellent record on making deliveries to our customers. Besides, all our cartons are lined with shockproof cardboards and are wrapped up with polyethylene sheets. So they re not only shockproof but also dampproof.

B:我可以告诉您,我们在向顾客发货方面有着良好的记 录。而且,我们所有的纸箱都有防震,纸板作内衬,整 箱外面再用塑料布包起来。所以,它们不仅防震,而且 防潮。

A:In that case, I guess I can rest assured.


B:Well, I guess you can say that. The safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. Especially for those fragile commodities, we ve got to be extra careful. Otherwise, if the things we don t want to see happened,we would be responsible and that ll cause you a lot of inconvenience, too.

B:我想你可以这样说。包装安全是我们一向所重视的, 特别是易损坏品,我们可要格外小心。不然的话,当我 们看到不愿发生的事发生了,不仅我们要负责,也会给 你们带来诸多不便。

A:You re right. But wouldn t it be safer to use wooden cases?


B:We sure can if you want us to, but the charge will be much higher.

B:如果你们想要我们这样做的话,我们保证做到,但是费 用就更髙了。

A:It wouldn t be worth the trouble in that case, would it? Let s still use cartons.

A:要是那样的话,就不值得麻烦了,不是吗?我们还是用 纸箱吧。

B:Sure, no problem. As I said, cartons are good enough for goods like this. You don t have to worry about it.


4补偿贸易商务英语对话 A:Mr. Bell, we ve carefully considered your proposal, but we think the compensation trade arrangement suits us better.

A:比尔先生,我们仔细考虑了你们的建议,但我们认为补 偿贸易更适合我方。

B : it suits us fine as well.


A:Is it possible to compensate by other products under a compensation trade arrangement?


B:Are you suggesting that you ll supply us the computer software production line according to our price and take your compensation by counter purchase?

B:你是说你们准备以我们的要价提供给我们软件生 产线,并以回购方式接受贷款补偿吗?

A:Yes,we don t need any computer software right now.


B:What kind of products would you prefer?


A : We d like the payment by some raw materials such as cotton ,coal or oil.

A:我们希望能以诸如棉花、煤或石油这样的原材料偿还 货款。

B : Coal and oil are also badly needed in this country. I think we can compensate with cotton.

B:煤和石油也是我们国家的急需商品,我想我们能以棉 花偿还货款。

A:That s fine.


B:How long do you expect completion of payment to take?


A:How about 2 years?


B : I m afraid Ifs too difficult for us. How about 5 years?


A:All right. But you need to pay interest.


B:That is no problem.




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