1.How is myperformance assessed?
Examiners willevaluate your performance according to 4 criteria namely fluency and coherence(FC), lexical resource (LR), grammatical range and accuracy (GRA) andpronunciation (P).
2.What is themost important criterion in the speaking test? Is it grammar?
No. The 4 criteriaare weighted equally at 25% each. The examiners will give a result for eachcriterion and then work out the average of the 4 scores which equates to anoverall speaking score. If you get 6 for FC, 5 for LR, 5 for GRA and 6 for P,then you will receive 5.5 overall for speaking,
3.Will I losepoints if the examiner disagrees with my opinion?
No. You are judged on your English, not youropinions. There is no right or wrong opinion.
4.How is myperformance assessed?
Yes. As long asyou keep talking and use a wide range of English, you can get a high score asthis is not an IQ test. Boring or obvious opinions are fine if you can producea wide and accurate range of language when expressing them.
5. I have aNorth American accent, is that OK?
Yes. AmericanEnglish is not penalised in any part of the test whether it be pronunciation orspelling.
6.How is myperformance assessed?
No. You will receive your IELTS result within 2weeks but not on the day.
7.What happensif I disagree with the result I was given?
You may ask theIELTS test centre to arrange another IELTS examiner to reevaluate yourspeaking. This is possible as all interviews are recorded. You may incur anextra expense depending on whether your score changes or not.
8.How is myperformance assessed?
In your homecountry is often thought to be the best place to do the speaking test. However,do keep in mind that all examiners receive exactly the same training around theworld which is moderated by a central body. The only justification for why it may be better to do the test in your home country is that you may scorehigher in pronunciation as it is seen as more subjective; examiners in yourhome country will be used to the Chinese accent whereas those in England maynot.
9.Is thereanything I can do if 1 don't understand a question?
Yes. If you don'tunderstand you may ask the examiner to repeat the question at any time duringthe interview. However, if after repeating you still don't understand, only inPart 3 may you ask the examiner to explain or rephrase a question. In Part 1 the examiner will simply move on tothe next question.
假若你不明白间题,可以请口试官再叙述一次。但如果口试官重复后,你还是不理解,只有在Part 3时你才可以请口试官换个说法让你明白问题;在口试的Part 1,口试官会略过该问题而直接进行下一个提问。
10.What happensif I misunderstand the question?
You may lose somepoints under fluency and coherenceas the examiner may have difficulty followingyour answer. In Part 3 the examiner may rephrase or explain the question againto give you a second opportunity. This will not happen in Part 1 though, the examinerwill move on to the next question.
你可能会在流畅性及连贯性这部分被扣分。在Part3,口试官有可能会再重述或解释该题,给你第二次机会回答;但是在Part 1时,口试官会直接问你下一个问题。
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